Tribute Lyrics to “Christmas Eve is Finally Here”

If you came to the cast party today, you got to sing a new version of Christmas Eve is Finally Here as a tribute to Tom, Steve, and Laura.  Here are the lyrics to that tribute.

Seventeen is finally here
Twenty-sixteen, what a year
We’ll remember
As we began ALITA

First, retreat, start-ed the streak
Rehearsals 4 times a week
Oh what fun and thanks to our dear Reta

Oh to sing, oh to dance
Run through Sundays too
Friends we made, skills we learned
Wow!  We made it through

There’s no production anywhere
That can touch or can compare
To ALITA and Catalyst Theatre Comp’ny

Tom and Steve worked from the heart
Laura’s dancing – such an art
We could count on them to get us ready

Lots of laughs, Haugos’ snacks
Au-di-ence did grow
Angry Vern, crazy Aunt
Going toe-to-toe

Hair, costume, and makeup
(Ooh) hats on (aah) bows tied

Props, backdrops, and decor
(Ooh) Stage set (aah) curtain up

Of course there’ll be a time when
One of us forgets a line and

Deck the SET with lots of scroll work
Fa la la la la la la la la

Is the best part of the show

(To Silent Night)
John MacFie.  Laura MacFie.
Clara, Joe, household staff

John brought us a merry Christmas
And we didn’t get fired
We learned how to do a wa-altz
And the Du-ust Rag Rag

(Spoken)  It’s 2017!  Our next production will soon be here!

The lines in the score-ipt are passing fast
The play was so much fun
Who knows what productions will be ’round the bend
And we hope you will join us again

Gauging from our audience
We brought hope and happiness
You can count on
Tom to write a great script

Tom Diffee we give you thanks
As director you are great
We’re most grateful

From your cast and crew at the
Catalyst (beat) The-a-tre Pro-duction Company

Great job, everyone!

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