Katie’s Hope Cast

Thank you to everyone who auditioned for Katie’s Hope.  It was very difficult to cast the show, but we’re so excited to work with everyone.

Female Immigrants (Ensemble)

  • Anna Brasseur
  • Denise Diffee
  • Kara Garcia
  • Julie Garrett
  • Bethany Haugo
  • Richelle Haugo
  • Melody Lundberg
  • Ruth Stainer
  • Marsha Widell

Male Immigrants (Ensemble)

  • John Brotnov (tin whistle)
  • Scott Lee
  • Brian Matthewson
  • David Potter
  • Jeff Strom

Note:  We’re looking for a few more good men.


  • Angelique Attalah
  • Kylee Cook
  • Josi Haugo
  • Lilli Haugo
  • Cecily Hauser
  • Caleb Kotschevar
  • Aubrey Knutson
  • Adil Lalji
  • Hanna McCaughan
  • Breezy Royal

Speaking Roles

  • Katie McCleery – Merry McCallum
  • Sean McCleery – Bruce Fitzgerald
  • Shannon McCleery – Lauren Schram
  • Paddy McCleery – Elijah Clark
  • Molly McCleery – Madelyn McCaughan
  • Daniel Bronagin – Mark Lewis
  • Martin Cullen – Roger Wilson
  • Joanna Cullen – Michelle Potter
  • Michael O’Neal – Michael Potter
  • John O’Neal – Nick Schumacher
  • Telford McCann – Austin Skeith
  • Annie Moore – Karina Brotnov
  • Anthony Moore/orphan – Westin Haugo
  • Phillip Moore/orphan – Jack Wire
  • Shively – Nick Horiatis
  • Kathleen – Ella Matthewson

Dancer Only

  • Allyah Bertrand
  • Anna Wilson

Note:  We hope everyone understands that, in any audition process, the directors and producers are looking for the best fit in each role, and that, inevitably, some will not be chosen for a role, or for the role they desire. If that should be the case, we hope that your audition experience is still a good one (we will do our best to make it so), and that you will perhaps join us in another equally important capacity in this production.

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